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Zgadzam się

ZYX Italo Disco New Generation Boot Mix 4 - Bellatrix-Music

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ZYX Italo Disco New Generation Boot Mix 4

Label: ZYX Music

Catalogue number: ZYX 55811-2

UPC: 090204694709

(SYNTHYA and HEAVEN42 - Just Tonight)

Relased on 22 July 2016.

Format: audio CD (discs - 2)


01. Amaya - Trapped

02. Emy Care - Dream of fantasy

03. Soulya ID - Vampirella s Song

04. Heaven42 - Angels of the Night

05. NEA! - Puppy Love (Do you remember)

06. Birizdo I Am - I love Italo Disco

07. Ryan Paris - Together again

08. D. White - One Wish

09. Talking Eyes - In the sun

10. Romantic Avenue feat. Heaven42 - Against the Odds

11. Albert One - Face to face

12. Avenue - Story of love

13. Dimension One - Angel

14. Synergic Silence feat. Fred Ventura - Love is my answer

15. Lenroy - Give me a night

16. Max Laser - Space Journey

17. Digitalo - Say yes

18. Cyber Space - Disco

19. Italove - Too late to cry

20. Linda Jo Rizzo - Under Fire

21. Variety - Without you

22. ZION and Kristian Conde - 80s come back to us

23. Nation In Blue - Have you got what it takes

24. Marce - I want you!


01. Lost Legacy - Lycan

02. Heaven42 feat. Mirko Hirsch - Strong to fight

03. D. White feat. Soulya ID - It s not the Rain

04. Kristian Conde - It s a dream

05. Estimado - Here I am

06. Mode One - I wanna feel you

07. Boris Zhivago - Love is a Memory Away

08. Malcolm and The Bad Girls - No heaven for the bad Girls

09. Siberian Heat - Irresistable

10. Digitalo - Never say never

11. Romantic Avenue feat. Quino - Drama

12. Amaya - To the top

13. Lenroy - You are the girl

14. Magic System DJ - Angels

15. The Crosslines - I can feel your Body

16. Electro Potato - Disconight

17. Cristina Manzano - Only dreams

18. Mirko Hirsch - The power of desire

19. Synthya and Heaven42 - Just tonight

20. Peter Wilson - The game of love

21. NEA - Dorian Gray

22. Cyber Space - Future on Mars

23. Vanello and Martin Blix - Vagabondo

24. Diamond Rain - Take my Love

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